ShadowVale's (Tiny) Gallery

Welcome to the Gallery...I'm glad you decided to view it, however small it is. Sure... It's mildly nice...without thumbnails, but mildly nice! Here you will find more pictures, ones that weren't on the other page with the profiles, probably some repeats of nice ones from that page, though. So, click on the scout's name to view their gallery... There will be a few pictures on each page, 'cause I know how boring it is to wait, but I can't make thumbnails.

(I know that my set up of Inner vs. Outer Senshi is kind of strange--meaning who is included in each catagory, but if you think about it, it makes sense--and it fit that way! ^_^)

There will be more added later, especially of the inner senshi, but for right now, if you want to see pictures of the inner senshi, go to my other page.

If you're mad 'cause I "stole" "your" picture, or just want to read my half-rant, half-disclaimer click here.
Inner SenshiOuter Senshi
Sailor MoonSailor Uranus
Sailor MercurySailor Neptune
Sailor MarsSailor Pluto
Sailor JupiterSailor Saturn
Sailor VenusSailor Starfighter
Sailor ChibiMoonSailor Starhealer
Sailor ChibiChibiMoonSailor Starmaker

Okay, here's my little disclaimer. Sailor Moon, it's characters, and all associated merchandise are the exclusive property of Naoko Takeuchi, TOEI Animation, and Kodansha Lmt. All rights reserved.

Use of these images does not imply violation of these rights.

Okay...Now for my personal thoughts on these pictures. If I got them from your page--I don't care. Really. Did you read what I just said above? The pictures are not yours, they belong to Naoko Takeuchi and what companies she sells them to. We're lucky we don't all get sued, lucky that Kodansha, Toei, DiC, and those companies are nice enough to let us use them. Of course, if you spent HOURS editing the picture I don't mind linking your page at all! I ask people to do the same if they take backgrounds I've made--because I want people to know that I can make them and I want them to see my page!! It's not because it's MY background, it's because I worked hard on my page and no one ever goes to it! ^_^ So, listen. If it's a picture that you scanned AND edited and you want a link, fine...I'll be happy to help out! ^_^ I just can't stand it when I see pages saying "I'll know if you take my pictures..." with some threat hanging in the air. What are you going to do to me? Sue me...? You don't have the right, only the aforementioned companies have that right.

Basically, that was a rant, and if these pictures are "yours" please send me your address so's I can link to your page.